„Przemysł Spożywczy” znajduje się w wykazie punktowanych czasopism naukowych Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.

Contents 5/2022

ECONOMY Polish Agri-Food Trade with The United Kingdom in The First Year After Brexit   (DOI10.15199/65.2022.5.1)Łukasz Ambroziak  4 Wiew more The aim of the article was to describe the changes that took place in the Polish-British trade in agri-food products in 2021, i.e. the first year of the functioning of the United Kingdom outside the European Single […]

Contents 4/2022

ECONOMY The Red Meat and Poultry Sector in Poland During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic   (DOI10.15199/65.2022.4.1)Robert Mroczek  3 Wiew more The article presents the assessment of the domestic red and poultry meat sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the forecast of IAFE-NRI, meat production in Poland in 2021 amounted to approx. 5,200 thousand tonnes (in hot […]

Contents 3/2022


ECONOMY Domestic Market of Seafood in The Time Of COVID-19 Pandemic  (DOI10.15199/65.2022.3.1)Krzysztof Hryszko   2 Wiew more An analysis of the fundamentals of the domestic fish market in the period of 2020-2021 indicates that the sector maintained a high rate of increase observed before the COVID-19 pandemic. Some decline in sales was observed at the first stage […]

Contents 2/2022


ECONOMY Food Market and Industry In 2021 – Part II  (DOI10.15199/65.2022.2.6)Iwona Szczepaniak, Łukasz Ambroziak, Jadwiga Drożdż, Robert Mroczek   2 Wiew more The COVID-19 pandemic has been taking place in the world for another year, causing various social and economic effects. The aim of the article is to assess the situation of the food industry and agri-food […]

Contents 1/2022

podsumowanie 2021

ECONOMY Food Market and Industry In 2021 – Part I  (DOI10.15199/65.2022.1.1)Iwona Szczepaniak, Łukasz Ambroziak, Jadwiga Drożdż, Robert Mroczek  2 Wiew more Another year, the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads around the world. Everyone is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by this virus. The aim of the article is to assess the situation of the food industry […]

Contents 12/2021

ECONOMY Relationships Between the Food Industry in Poland and Abroad During The COVID-19 Pandemic   (DOI10.15199/65.2021.12.1)Łukasz Ambroziak, Małgorzata Bułkowska  4 Wiew more The purpose of the article is to assess the relationship between the food industry in Poland and abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of the study was the Polish export of food industry products, […]

Contents 11/2021

Jakość i bezpieczeństwo żywności

ECONOMY    Food Consumption in Households in Poland  (DOI10.15199/65.2021.11.1) Mariola Kwasek   2 Wiew more The article presents the level of available incomes, expenditures, including food expenditures and food consumption in households in Poland and by socio-economic groups (employees, farmers, self-employed persons, retirees and pensioners) in 2020. The analysis of food consumption in the discussed population groups in […]

Contents 10/2021

mleko i produkty mleczne

ECONOMY   Impact of the „Farm to Fork” Strategy on the Dairy Sector Development  (DOI10.15199/65.2021.10.1)Piotr Szajner  4 Wiew more The „Farm to Fork” strategy defines the conditions for the functioning of the EU agri-food sector, including the dairy industry. The Polish dairy sector is relatively well prepared to implement the strategy, which, however, will be a big challenge, […]

Contents 9/2021

ECONOMY 2 Development of Polish Agri-Food Foreign Trade during COVID-19 pandemic – Małgorzata Bułkowska  view more The article presents changes in Polish foreign trade in agri-food products in 2020 and the prospects for its further development in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the restrictions introduced in the economy, difficulties in the transport of […]