„Przemysł Spożywczy” znajduje się w wykazie punktowanych czasopism naukowych Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.

Contents 11/2019

ECONOMY 2 Food Quality Schemes in The European Union – Mariola Kwasek  view more The article presents the problem relating to food quality schemes in the European Union in the economic aspect. The common agricultural policy meets the expectations of European consumers, who attach more and more importance to food quality. High-quality products with registered […]

Contents 10/2019

ECONOMY 4 Domestic Dairy Sector After Poland’s Accession to the EU – Piotr Szajner (DOI 10.15199/65.2019.10.1)  view more After the accession to the EU Polish dairy industry has successfully adjusted to market conditions. Conducted modernisation processed allowed for an achievement of required veterinary and hygiene standards and adapt production to market regulations in the EU. […]

Contents 09/2019

ECONOMY 4 Poland Strengthens Its Position as An Exporter of Agri-Food Products – Małgorzata Bułkowska (DOI 10.15199/65.2019.9.1)  view more The article presents the results of Polish foreign trade in agri-food products paying special attention to changes in the geographical and commodity structure in 2018. A surplus of agri-food exports over imports has been growing since […]