„Przemysł Spożywczy” znajduje się w wykazie punktowanych czasopism naukowych Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.

1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021

Dear Colleagues,

the Institute of Quality Science of Poznań University of Economics and Business has a great honor to invite you to take part in the 1st International Conference on Quality and Management Sciences 2021 (1st ICQMSc 2021) to be held online from 13 to 15 September 2021 in Poznań, Poland.

The scientific program of the conference will focus on advances in all areas of quality, commodity and management sciences, and their role in sustainable development. Special attention will be paid to the quality of processes, food and non-food products, and packaging from a multidisciplinary perspective, including management, technological, consumer and environmental issues. 

We believe that the conference will be a forum for exchanging new knowledge and ideas at the interface of social and natural sciences, and will provide opportunity for establishing and strengthening scientific collaboration between specialists in various disciplines. We hope for a broad participation of the experienced researchers, PhD and graduate students, and practitioners interested in all aspects of quality, commodity and management.

Because of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 global pandemic we plan the online meeting. However, if the pandemic situation allows, we will propose a hybrid form with the possibility of online or on-site participation. The information will be provided by June 15.

We kindly invite you to forward this message to your collaborators who might be interested in the conference.
We cordially invite you and your collaborators to participate in the conference.
For more information please visit the conference website: http://icqmsc.ue.poznan.pl.

 On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees
Yours faithfully,
Ewa Sikorska
Hanna Śmigielska

Do pobrania: Plakat


Drodzy Czytelnicy,

W polskim prawie cywilnym brak jest definicji siły wyższej. Jednak w doktrynie i orzecznictwie, siłę wyższą najczęściej ujmuje się jako zjawisko zewnętrzne, nieuchronne, którego nie można było przewidzieć ani mu się przeciwstawić.